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Dyckia X “Brittle Star” by Bill Baker

April 20, 2012

While I am not a big fan of Dyckia hybrids in general, and usually prefer the pure species, this famous hybrid by Bill Baker is one of very few exceptions. It’s a phantastic clone, said to be a cross between Dyckia dawsonii, fosteriana and platyphylla. I purchased this plant from Bird Rock Tropicals in 2006 and it is said to be the original “Brittle Star”. My friend Chanin in Bangkok got the original clone from Bill Baker himself and there is no obvious difference.

Note that there are many “Brittle Star F2” around! These are not the same of the original and you might wish to have a look at Uncle Derek’s recent article to understand why!

For me this has been a slowly growing plant. Many ups and downs. It started to split some 2 or 3 years ago and this is how far it has got. No flowers yet, but I am sure that if it does flower one day, I will try to pollinate it and get seeds. Those will be many “F2’s” then and with good chances for something outstanding among them….

The photo below shows the very same plant how it looked like 5 years ago, in March 2007…

From → Dyckia

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